note: this was translated from the native language into English so some
holes may exist there was no one who spoke the language fluently for a direct
interpretation but we believe the essence of the message is here.)
Dominance of Nature
by Wisdom of Man
= Omnipotence over Creation by wisdom of man.
The Manifest Destiny provision that came here with organized
religion led to a discrepancy in the image of God.
The self-serving religion of the misfits
gave a false impression that God had given everything for mans use,
consumption, and this led to abuse. Abuse of the womb, which houses us
all. Good-Bad-Indifferent, all share the Creators gift of Life-energy.
Whether we know it or not, attitudes of the society
and birth culture shape our image of the Earth. The heathen notion of
loving the trees, grass, animals all went the way of Dominance.
An ungodly and unholy worship of the religions of the Pagans.
Untrue images of Life, which we need to balance with
the truth of Reality. Not just the Reality (????) us, but the one which
constantly creates and unfolds.
Consciousness, which comes from God consciousness,
needs to expand to a Creation Gift concept. Christian concept
of Ruling the World would be Being-in-the-world. Which gives
all of us the magic elixir.
Nature connection
Sacred Earth not desecration
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