Creator's Energy
The energy can be present as long as you are
not attempting to point a BEING down the wrong path (direction).
When your personal intent comes in and the energy changes
to one particular channel, rather than an all-at-oneness feeling,
this indicates a change in perspective. The unified field which is produced
by the connecting (merging) with sacred energy
is a feeling of rareification and synergy. The fragmented
feeling which affects the whole field is one of frangementation
and the intent has a name: i.e. could be deceptive, sensual, and or evil,
When this occurs the imagery of our self comes into being.
Here gratification is the ruler of the moment and goal attainment commands
the strategy.
If you stay sacred and dont harm this sacredness in others then
your personal field can be at harmony. In order to deal whith
those who dont know this realization and harmony due to their own
personal intent you must stay centered and in the center of your beingness.
When people put their personal intent in their sacred center
their actions are often disruptive and offensive. Nothing says you have
to be defenseless, stupid, or passive. Remember, that which is said to
often be incorrect or sinful, isnt.
If the harmony isnt broken and your sacred relationship
impecability is beyond question then it truly is a garden
we live in; so be careful what you plant.
You are the Creators offspring without a doubt.
This gift is what you can appreciate and enjoy in
your temporal existance on a plane called earth and in a time called now.
We all exist in the Creators Energy with or without our personal
This energy and structure has been passed along internally for longer
than any of us can remember but not longer than our existance.
We are the seventh generation and we have been living in a world of intent
to rule at any cost. Intent to control the factors which make life materially
easier has been the order of the day. This is not intent of the sacred.
The sacred intent can carry LIFE from person to person
in order that life might manifest and continue to manifest.
Energy always renews; always regenerates; ALWAYS.
As Beings we have a chance to use this place called Earth as an opening
(Sapapu) to Eternity. We are all part of energy which is beneficial and
our rightful place is in harmony. The look at energy of life
which is cold and unforgiving is not displayed in the sacredness around
If you can read this then you are the recipient of creations
love and cure. The question is can your awareness touch this energy. Your
spirit has or your body knows how to heal itself when you are brusied
or cut. It is time for the spirit to come home to see the eternal beingness
in its infancy and its existance within us.
We must realize that our journey grows beyond the boundaries of
mother earth but while we are here lets make the most of this gift called
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